Wednesday 17 October 2012

Theme on Leonard Cohen

Karrer sitting in the Titanik bar, a black and white face a still life- it's all over 1000 kisses deep


Chow-Mo Wan's whispering into the stones of ancient monuments in Vietnam - deafening silence 1000 kisses deep


Su-Li Zhen a flower in bloom, never blossoming, her 27 dresses adorning her like a prison- have you ever seen such beautiful silence 1000 kisses deep?

Pierrot disguised in blue, vanishing into the sun and sea - the matter of poetry 1000 kisses deep

The vagabond gazing into the eyes of the blind girl - she sees! 1000 kisses deep


Diane your shattered Hollywood dream- murderous rage and a lover's  innate desire - scorned by Rita 1000 kisses deep


Andreas crossing through the scarred Greek landscape pursuing Stella- his logic and reason like a veil trampled underfoot - αιώνες παγωμένοι 1000 kisses deep


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